Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The SelfControl app: the BEST study tool for college students

I usually have good intentions when sitting down to study - whether it be in the library, the classroom or in my dorm room. What often happens, however, is the inevitable: distractions from Facebook, Twitter, Blogger (of course!), and other non-academic sites.

My greatest weapon against procrastination is the SelfControl app for Mac. This little device is a godsend for warding off temptation when trying to make a deadline or finish an assignment. It allows you to create a "Blacklist"of sites you want blocked from your computer for a specific amount of time - anywhere from 15 minutes to 24 hours.

One thing to consider is that there is no way to override the application once it's been activated, so make sure you're ready before you hit start! Nevertheless, this app has helped me to plow through all of my tough assignments and to really knuckle down during finals week.

How do you stay focused when studying? What do you think of the SelfControl app? Have a wonderful Wednesday, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh-this is amazing! Yes, I am definitely getting a Mac for university :)

    p.s. thanks for visiting and following my blog today! if you didn't, i may not have found (and followed) yours!
