Thursday, August 4, 2011

Dream Outfits: Sorority Recruitment Edition

It's back to school time, and for me that means sorority recruitment! This will be my first year being on the "inside" of the process, and I'm definitely excited to get started. First, however, I have to put together my outfits for each day, according to the guidelines given by our recruitment chair. My actual outfits are a lot less glamorous (think recycling things from my closet, Forever XII purchases, etc.), but here's what I would wear if money were no object:

Sorority tee + white bottoms + brown sandals

White oxford + navy bottoms + red accessory

Solid, bright colored dress

I could not choose between these two dresses - what do you think? I also couldn't resist the Kappa Kappa Gamma key and fleur-de-lis jewelry :)

Black Cocktail + Pumps

Do any of you have to get specific outfits for your sorority rush? My chapter is pretty flexible, but I know some houses are super strict!

Thanks to Sweet Confessions for following!

Happy Friday Eve, everyone :)

1 comment:

  1. I love your perfect outfits for recruitment. My sorority does informal recruitment as we are associate members of the PanHellenic council at UNC but from talking to my friends there are very strict guidelines including specific styles of dresses in specific colors they have to choose from. It all depends on the chapter though.
    My roommate sophomore year is a KKG! Have a great week of recruitment.
